
Ponencias en congresos internacionales

  • BARA, F., BOLLE, D.M., 1972. Dispersion characteristics and field structure of an axially magnetized ferrite loaded rectangular waveguide. International Microwave Symposium. Arlington Heights, IL: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 71-73. DOI 10.1109/GMTT.1972.1122997.
  • DELGADO, J., 1977. Intermittent binary C.P.F.S.K.-0.5 signaling in a Rayleigh Fading medium. Conference on Information Sciences and Systems. Baltimore, USA: Johns Hopkins University, pp. 486.
  • MARIÑO, J.B., MAYER, A. y FIGUEIRAS, A., 1978. A direct approximation technique for designing digital equalizers with simultaneous specification of magnitude and phase. European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design. Lausanne: Georgi, pp. 602-606.
  • DELGADO, J., 1978. Performance of the CPFSK-0.5 signaling in adaptable fading models. Informations- und Systemtheorie in der digitalen Nachrichtentechnik. Berlín: VDE-Verlag., pp. 282-287.
  • COMERON, A., BOLOMEY, J.C. y JIMÉNEZ, J.J., 1980. Electromagnetic coupling model of an infrared antenna. International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves. Würzburg: s.n., pp. 332-333.
  • MARIÑO, J.B., MAYER, A., MASGRAU, E. y NADEU, C., 1980. Design of digital equalizers with minimax error. European Signal Processing Conference. Lausanne: EURASIP., pp. 557-560.
  • MARIÑO, J.B., CRESPO, P.M., DE LOS REYES, E. y MASGRAU, E., 1980. Cohn’s filters with parallel-coupled transmission lines and no discontinuities. European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design. Warsaw: Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 178-183.
  • FIGUEIRAS, A., MARIÑO, J.B. y GARCÍA, R., LAGUNAS, 1980. Some new results in sampling deterministic signals. European Signal Processing Conference. Lausanne: EURASIP, pp. 197-200.
  • MARIÑO, J.B., FIGUEIRAS, A., LAGUNAS, M. y GARCÍA, R., 1981. Further results in designing digital interpolators. International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Florenze: s.n., pp. 60-66.
  • LAGUNAS, M., FIGUEIRAS, A. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1981. An adaptive design of an all-zero spectral estimator. Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications. Vigo: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. A1/1/1-A1/1/8.
  • LAGUNAS, M., MARIÑO, J.B., NADEU, C. y FIGUEIRAS, A., 1981. An alternative approach to implement a recursive interpolation. Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications. Vigo: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. A2/1/1-A2/1/6.
  • FIGUEIRAS, A., GARCÍA, R., MARIÑO, J.B., LAGUNAS, M. y MARTÍN, E., 1981. Designing the quantizing step for a digital generalized sign test detector applied to Radar a first approach. Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications. Vigo: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. B2/2/1-B2/2/8.
  • FIGUEIRAS, A., MARIÑO, J.B., LAGUNAS, M., GARCÍA, R. y MARTÍN, E., 1981. Randomizing ties in a sign radar detector. International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Florence: Imperial College Press (ICP), pp. 914-921.
  • FIGUEIRAS, A., GARCÍA, R., LAGUNAS, M., MARIÑO, J.B. y CASAR, J., 1981. Direct determination of a low-pass components of a band-pass signal from samples of it and delayed versions of it. Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications. Vigo: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. A2/3/1-A2/3/8.
  • MARIÑO, J.B. y FIGUEIRAS, A., 1982. On the design of bandpass and band-stop digital filters from low-pass analog prototypes. Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications. Oporto: s.n., pp. A2/7/1-A2/7/8.
  • JUNYENT, G., AGUSTI, R. y CASADEVALL, F., 1982. Egalisation no-lineaire en fibre optique a 140 et 560 Mbit/s. Canadian communications and energy conference. Montreal: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 324-327.
  • DELGADO, J., SERRAT, J., MINONDO, R. 1982. A system approach on power distribution supervisory control catalog. Canadian communications and energy conference. Montreal: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 103-105.
  • AGUSTI, R. y JUNYENT, G., 1982. Performance of a FH multilevel FSK for mobile radio in the presence of nonsynchronous users. Military Communications Conference. Boston, MA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 34.1-1-34.1-6. DOI 10.1109/MILCOM.1982.4805979.
  • MASGRAU, E., LAGUNAS, M. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1983. Line tracking with an adaptive lattice algorithm. European Signal Processing Conference. Erlangen: EURASIP., pp. 81-84.
  • MASGRAU, E., LAGUNAS, M. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1983. Line tracking performance of a least squares adaptive lattice algorithm. Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications. Sitges: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), pp. 57-64.
  • MARIÑO, J.B., 1983. Preliminary empirical study of spectral nonparametric detectors. Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications. Sitges: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), pp. 83-90.
  • DELGADO, J., MINONDO, R y SERRAT, J., 1983. Power distribution supervisory control system by polling. IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference. Tokio, Japan: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 289-292.
  • SANZ, J., FIGUEIRAS, A. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1983. A suboptimum rank test for radar detection. Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications. Sitges: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), pp. 369-379.
  • DELGADO, J., 1983. Error probability for partial response CPM with diversity for adaptable slow Rayleigh in Gaussian noise. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. St. Jovite, Quebec: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 23.
  • LAGUNAS, M., 1983. Cepstrum constraints in ME spectral estimation. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1442-1445. DOI 10.1109/ICASSP.1983.1172054.
  • AGUSTI, R., 1984. Multiple tone interferers in an FH-MFSK spread spectrum communication system. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 125-130. DOI 10.1109/VTC.1984.1623250.
  • ELIAS, A., y PERICHON, R.A.,1984. Melangeur sous harmonique a MESFET AsGa. Journées Nationales Microondes. Lannion: s.n., pp. 130-131.
  • LAGUNAS, M. y GASULL, A., 1984. Measuring true spectral density from ML filters (NMLM and q-NMLM spectral estimates). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 14.10.1-14.10.4.
  • ARTAL, E., CARDAMA, A., COMERON, A., CORBELLA, I., ELIAS, A., FERRANDO, M., JOFRE, L. y DE LOS REYES, E., 1984. Receptor para TV difundida directamente desde satélites. Simposio de Electrónica das Telecomunicaçöes. Lisboa: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 56-59.
  • MORENO, A., LAGUNAS, M. y VALLVERDU, F., 1985. Parametric envelope in LPC speech coders. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. Madrid: Elsevier, pp. 107-110.
  • MASGRAU, E., RUIZ, F. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1985. Performance comparison of 32 Kbps ADPCM coders in noise-free and noisy environments. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. Madrid: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 179-182.
  • LAGUNAS, M., SANTAMARÍA, M., GASULL, A. y MORENO, A., 1985. Cross spectrum ML estimate. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 77-80. DOI 10.1109/ICASSP.1985.1168503.
  • VAZQUEZ, G., GASULL, A. y CARPENA, A. 1985. Bit-slice implementation of a linear predictive vocoder. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 287-289.
  • MARIÑO, J.B. y MARTÍ, J., 1985. Adaptive prediction and bit-assignment in subband coding of speech. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. : North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 175-178.
  • SERRAT, J, DELGADO, J.A. y HERNANDO, J.M., 1985. A channel characterization technique for HF communications. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 397-401.
  • SANTAMARIA, M.E., LAGUNAS, M. y GASULL, A., 1986. Improved ML cross-spectral estimation. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 255-258.
  • CORBELLA, I., BERENGUER-SAU, J., PRADELL, L., COMERON, A., BARÁ, J. y ARTAL, E., 1986. Multiplicadores de frecuencia para receptores coherentes de microondas. 2 SIMPOSIO DE ELECTRONICA DE TELECOMINICAÇOES. S.l.: s.n., pp. 76-78.
  • MASGRAU, E. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1986. Adaptive vector predictive speech coding with sample by sample update at 16 Kbps. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 431-434.
  • JOFRE, L., REYES, E., FERRANDO, M., ELIAS, A., ROMEU, J., BAQUERO, M. y RIUS, J., 1986. A cylindrical system for quasy-real time microwave tomography. European Microwave Conference. Dublin, Ireland: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 599-604. DOI 10.1109/EUMA.1986.334258. cylindrical system for quasy-real time microwave tomography.
  • MUNILLA, I. y BERTRAN, E., 1986. Comparative study of algorithms for the motion control of a robot arm. International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Amsterdam: s.n., pp. 663-667.
  • NADEU, C., LLEIDA, E. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1986. Frame reduction in LPC isolated word recognition. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 557-560.
  • BERTRAN, E., HERRANZ, J. y MUNILLA, I., 1986. A new formulation of the discrete-time optimal linear regulator. Application to LSS decentralized control. IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Large Scale Systems. S.l.: s.n., pp. 379-385.
  • BERTRAN, E., HERRANZ, J. y MUNILLA, I., 1986. Simulation studies of optimal decentralized load-frequency regulators. IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Large Scale Systems. S.l.: s.n., pp. 202-208.
  • BERENGUER-SAU, J., ARTAL, E., CORBELLA, I., BARA, J. y COMERON, A., 1986. PLL de microondas con tiempo de adquisición reducido. Simposio de Electrónica das Telecomunicaçöes. S.l.: s.n., pp. 76-78.
  • BERTRAN, E. y SAN-MARTÍN, M., 1986. Comparative study of different adaptive strategies for a robot joint control. International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Amsterdam: s.n., pp. 129-141.
  • TORRES, L., 1986. Karhunen-Loeve encoding of noisy 2D images using robust coefficients. IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. S.l.: s.n.,
  • MORENO, A. y LAGUNAS, M., 1986. Envelope/phase representation in signal modeling. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 369-372.
  • VAZQUEZ, G., GASULL, A. y LAGUNAS, M., 1986. Known input power spectrum in adaptive L.M.S. and A.G. algorithms. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 965-968.
  • DE LOS REYES, E., ELIAS, A., FERRANDO, M. y CORBELLA, I., 1986. A microstrip low cost, high performance, intruder radar detector. International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 175-177.
  • MASGRAU, E., MARIÑO, J.B. y VALLVERDU, F., 1986. A continuously adaptive vector predictive coder (AVPC) for speech encoding. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 3027-3030.
  • TORRES, L. y LYNN, R., 1986. A method for data compression with noise elimination. Pattern Recognition and MultiSpectral Remote Sensing Miniconference. S.l.: s.n.,
  • AMENGUAL, M. y LAGUNAS, M., 1986. Additional constraints in variational procedures for ARMA Spectral Estimation. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 259-262.
  • LAGUNAS, M., 1986. The variational approach in spectral estimation. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 307-314.
  • BERTRAN, E., MARTINEZ, L. y POVEDA, A., 1987. On the use of state-feedback in the design of elementary switching regulators. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 601-604.
  • TORRES, L. y KIRLIN, R., 1987. A new adaptive method for image compression using Karhunen-Loeve transform. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1366-1369. DOI 10.1109/ICASSP.1987.1169463.
  • MASGRAU, E., MARIÑO, J.B., FONOLLOSA, J.A.R. y SALAVEDRA, J., 1987. AVPC-Subband Coding System for Speech Encoding. European Conference on Speech Technology. S.l.: ISCA, pp. 345-348.
  • BERENGUER-SAU, J., BARA, J. y COMERON, A., 1987. Compact and Simple X 3 (9 to 27 GHz) Pll Frequency Multiplier Using Harmonic Phase Detection. IEEE Frequency Control Symposium. S.l.: s.n., pp. 492-494. DOI 10.1109/FREQ.1987.201067.
  • BROQUETAS, A., FERRANDO, M., RIUS, J., JOFRE, L., DE LOS REYES, E., CARDAMA, A., ELIAS, A. y IBÁÑEZ, J., 1987. Temperature and permittivity measurements using a cylindrical microwave imaging system. European Microwave Conference. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 892-895. DOI 10.1109/EUMA.1987.333789.
  • LLEIDA, E., NADEU, C. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1987. Speech Parametrization and Recognition Using Block and Recursive Linear Prediction with Data Compression. European Conference on Speech Technology. S.l.: ISCA, pp. 2300-2303.
  • MARIÑO, J.B., NADEU, C. y LLEIDA, E., 1987. Demisyllable based Spanish Number Recognition Experiments. European Conference on Speech Technology. S.l.: ISCA, pp. 2321-2324.
  • VAZQUEZ, G. y GASULL, A., 1987. Use of the available information for adequate step-size actualization. International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 750-754.
  • JUNYENT, G., USANDIZAGA, J.R. y RUIZ-MORENO, S., 1987. Performance of optical amplifier-fiber chains in coherent optical fiber transmission links. International Conference on Communication Technology. S.l.: s.n., pp. 1003-1006.
  • SANZ, M. y PUERTA, A., 1987. Exact analysis formulation for SC circuits including finite DC gain and gain-bandwidth product of OP AMPS. IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. S.l.: s.n., pp. 964-967.
  • LAGUNAS, M. y AMENGUAL, M., 1987. Non-linear spectral estimation. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 2035-2038. DOI 10.1109/ICASSP.1987.1169342.
  • LAGUNAS, M. y VALLVERDU, F. y SANTAMARIA, M., 1987. Non-linear adaptive signal processor. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: s.n., pp. 113-116. DOI 10.1109/ICASSP.1987.1169602.
  • RUIZ-MORENO, S., JUNYENT, G., USANDIZAGA, J.R., 1987. Improvement of the signal to noise ratio in direct detection with a semiconductor optical preamplifier. Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics. S.l.: s.n.,
  • RUIZ-MORENO, S., JUNYENT, G. y SONEIRA, M.J., 1987. High saturation in a nonlinear optical amplifier. Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics. S.l.: s.n.,
  • TORRES, L., 1988. Adaptive Karhunen-Loeve coding of noisy images. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: s.n.,
  • PUERTA, A. y SANZ, M., 1988. Exact analysis of non-ideal SC networks through op amps asymptotic modelation. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. S.l.: IEEE, pp. 2467-2470. DOI 10.1109/ISCAS.1988.15442.
  • PRADELL, L., COMERON, A. y RAMIREZ, A., 1988. A general analysis of error in noise measurement systems. European Microwave Conference. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 924-929. DOI 10.1109/EUMA.1988.333927.
  • AMENGUAL, M., VAZQUEZ, G. y LAGUNAS, M., 1988. System identification through first and second order information from the periodogram. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1341-1344. DOI 10.1109/ISCAS.1988.15176.
  • MORENO, A. y LAGUNAS, M., 1988. Envelope and Instantaneous Phase in Residual Representation. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 167-170.
  • MORENO, A. y LAGUNAS, M., 1988. Envelope and instantaneous phase considerations in speech modelling. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1557-1560. DOI 10.1109/ISCAS.1988.15228.
  • LAGUNAS, M., 1988. High performance SVD-like procedure for spectral estimation using Rayleigh function estimates. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 2368-2371. DOI 10.1109/ICASSP.1988.197116.
  • AMENGUAL, M., VALLVERDU, F. y VAZQUEZ, G., 1988. Adaptive spectrum estimation with linear constrains. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 191-193.
  • TORRES, L. y SALLENT, S., 1988. An adaptive pyramid image coding system. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 808-811. DOI 10.1109/ICASSP.1988.196708.
  • OLMOS, J., AGUSTI, R. y CASADEVALL, F., 1988. Decision feedback equalization and carrier recovery in 140 Mbit QAM digital radio systems. IEEE International Conference on Communications. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1336-1342. DOI 10.1109/ICC.1988.13768.
  • CRUELLAS, J. y FERRANDO, M., 1988. Feedback formulation for multiple scatterers. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1990. S.l.: s.n., pp. 400-403. DOI 10.1109/APS.1988.94089.
  • SALLENT, S., TORRES, L. y TRIOLA-ESPIGULÉ, A., 1988. A block adaptive pyramid coding system. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 999-1002.
  • VAZQUEZ, G., VALLVERDU, F. y AMENGUAL, M., 1988. Inclusion of gradient-based schemes in high resolution methods. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 395-398.
  • VAZQUEZ, G., AMENGUAL, M. y GASULL, A., 1988. Data pre-processing for high-resolution adaptive algorithms. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 736-766. DOI 10.1109/ISCAS.1988.15037.
  • FERRANDO, M., REYES, E., CARDAMA, A., SONEIRA, M.J., JOFRE, L. y BROQUETAS, A., 1988. Cylindrical microwave imaging system. AP-S - Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. S.l.: s.n., pp. 782-785. DOI 10.1109/APS.1988.94195.
  • SALLENT, S. y TORRES, L., 1988. A non-rectangular pyramid coding system. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 85-88.
  • MARIÑO, J.B., NADEU, C. y LLEIDA, E., 1988. Finite State Grammar inference for connected word recognition. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 1059-1062.
  • BERTRAN, E. y GUIMERÀ, A., 1988. Computer-based system for control and circuit analysis. International Symposium Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications. S.l.: s.n., pp. 465-469.
  • AMENGUAL, M., VAZQUEZ, G. y VALLVERDU, F., 1988. On the Use of Higher Order Information in SVD Based Methods. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 431-434.
  • CABRERA-BEAN, M., LAGUNAS, M. y SANTAMARÍA, M., 1988. Multibeam adaptive array. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 271-274.
  • LAGUNAS, M. y CABRERA-BEAN, M., 1988. Rayleigh estimates: performing like SVD. European Signal Processing Conference. North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 175-178.
  • DALMAU, J. y DELGADO PENÍN, JOSÉ A., 1989. A contribution on adaptive coding strategies over H.F. channels. Joint Swedish Soviet International Workshop on Information Theory. S.l.: s.n., pp. 251-254.
  • CRUELLAS, J. y FERRANDO, M., 1989. Scattering of dielectric cylinders using feedback formulation and segmentation. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1990. S.l.: s.n., pp. 1402-1405. DOI 10.1109/APS.1989.134978.
  • DALMAU, J., DELGADO, J., SERRAT, J. y VALLE, R., 1989. An in-band frequency agility modem imlemented with a DSP device. IEEE Military Communications Conference. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 80-84. DOI 10.1109/MILCOM.1989.103903.
  • ROMEU, J., JOFRE, L., FERRANDO, M., BAQUERO, M., SONEIRA, M.J. y CLAVERA, J., 1989. Linear array diagnostic from near-field measurements. AP-S - Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 68-71. DOI 10.1109/APS.1989.134613.
  • ARTAL, E., BARA, J., BERENGUER-SAU, J., COMERON, A., CORBELLA, I. y PRADELL, L., 1989. 20/30 GHz Front End for the TMS-7 receivin station of the Olympus satellite. 4th Mediterranean  Electrotechnical Conference MELECON’89. S.l.: s.n., p. 381-384.
  • OLMOS, J. y CASADEVALL, F., 1989. Performance of 16 & 64 QAM digital radio systems with multipath propagation and distortion induced phase jitter. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 509-512. DOI 10.1109/MELCON.1989.50093.
  • TORRES, L., 1989. A new algorithm for automatic border detection of two-dimensional echocardiographic images. 3rd International Workshop on Time-Varying Image Processing and Moving Recognition. S.l.: s.n.,
  • ARTAL, E., BARÁ, J., BERENGUER-SAU, J., COMERON, A., CORBELLA, I. y PRADELL, L., 1989. 20/30 GHz front-end for the TMS-7 receiving station of the OLYMPUS satellite. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 381-384. DOI 10.1109/MELCON.1989.50167.
  • MARIÑO, J.B., NADEU, C., MORENO, A. y MONTE, E., 1989. Recognition of Numbers and Strings of Numbers by Using Demisyllables: One Speaker Experiment. European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. S.l.: ISCA, pp. 1102-1105.
  • CAPRACE, M., OBORNE, K. y SERRAT, J., 1989. Intelligent Communication Interface. Results and Progress of ESPRIT Projects in 1989. S.l.: s.n., pp. 11-16.
  • FERRANDO, M., BROQUETAS, A., JOFRE, L. y RIUS, J., 1989. Microwave Imaging of Multilayer Cylinders Using Optimization Techniques. IEEE International Symposium Digest: Antennas and Propagation. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1716-1719. DOI 10.1109/APS.1989.135063.
  • NADEU, C., LLEIDA, E. y HERNANDO, J., 1989. Modelling of the analytic spectrum for speech recognition. 1st European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. S.l.: European Speech Communication Association (ESCA), pp. 215-218.
  • VAZQUEZ, G., GASULL, A., SANCHEZ, J. y LAGUNAS, M., 1989. Constant variance transversal filtering for adaptive channel equalization. International conference on sonar signal processing. S.l.: s.n., pp. 212-215.
  • AGUSTI, R. y OLMOS, J., 1989. Constant false alarm rate control for frecuency hopping Spread  Spectrum Systems. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 388-390. DOI 10.1109/MELCON.1989.50062.
  • TORRES, L., ALQUEZAR, R. GASULL, A., SALLENT, S., MARQUÉS, J., VIDAL, J., SANGRÁ, E. 1989. Classical methods of left ventricular contour extraction and preprocessing of echocardiographic images : A review. Ultrasonics International. S.l.: s.n., p. 1195-1200.
  • MORENO, A., ARMAS, P., MARIÑO, J.B. y MASGRAU, E., 1989. Automatic Segmentation of Spanish Speech Into Syllables. European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. S.l.: s.n., pp. 2075-2078.
  • VALLE, R. y SERRAT, J., 1989. A flexible protocol communications approach for a supervisory system. International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. S.l.: Institute for Communication Technology Management (CTM), pp. 267-269.
  • MARIÑO, J.B. y MONTE, E., 1989. Generation of multiple hypothesis in connected phonetic-unit  recognition by a modified one-stage dynamic programming algorithm. European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. S.l.: s.n., pp. 2408-2411.
  • LEEUWIN, K., FEMENIAS, G. y AGUSTI, R., 1989. Performance of trellis-coded 8-DPSK modulation with co-channel interference in land mobile radio channels. IEEE Region 10 International Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 27. DOI 10.1109/TENCON.1989.176997.
  • PRADELL, L., ARTAL, E. y SABATER, C., 1989. S-parameter measurement of chip Ga As FETs up to 22 GHz using the TRL calibration technique. European Microwave Conference. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 576-581. DOI 10.1109/EUMA.1989.334030.
  • DELGADO, J., SERRAT, J. y VALLE, R., 1989. Transmission systems engineering teaching-a computer-aid approach. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 737-739. DOI 10.1109/MELCON.1989.50148.
  • BROQUETAS, A. y JOFRE, L., 1989. Hyperthermia monitorization with cylindrical microwave tomography. Adv. on medical microw. imaging. S.l.: s.n., pp. 1-5.
  • FONOLLOSA, J.A.R., MASGRAU, E., MARIÑO, J.B. y MORENO, A., 1989. Medium Rate Speech Coding with Vector Quantization. Technical Seminar on Speech Technology. S.l.: s.n., pp. 7-14.
  • FONOLLOSA, J.A.R. y MASGRAU, E., 1989. Improved convergence of gradient algorithms for adaptive IIR filters. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1732-1735. DOI 10.1109/ISCAS.1989.100700.
  • BROQUETAS, A. y JOFRE, L., 1989. Hyperthermia monitoring with cylindrical microwave tomography. Wshop. on non-invasive thermometry. S.l.: s.n., pp. 14-17.
  • GASULL, A., ALQUEAZAR, R., TORRES, L., SALLENT, S., MARQUÉS, F. VIDAL, J. y SANGRÁ, E., 1989. Automated left ventricular contour extraction and volume calculation form echocardiographic images. Ultrasonics International. S.l.: s.n., pp. 123-126.
  • LLEIDA, E., NADEU, C. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1989. Feature selection through orthogonal expansion in isolated word recognition. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 253-256. DOI 10.1109/MELCON.1989.50030.
  • MONTE, E., LLEIDA, E. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1989. New Backpropagation Algorithm Using Quadratic Potential Functions, and an Experiment on Isolated Word Recognition. European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. S.l.: ISCA, pp. 1341-1344.
  • MASGRAU, E. y FONOLLOSA, J.A.R. y MORENO, A., 1989. Including Zeros in the Backward Adaptive Predictor of AVPC Coders. European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology. S.l.: s.n., pp. 2505-2508.
  • ROMEU, J. y RAHMAT_SAMII, Y., 1989. A fractal based FSS with dual band characteristics. IEEE International Symposium Digest: Antennas and Propagation. Orlando, USA: IEEE, pp. 1734-1737.
  • GASULL, A., ALQUEAZAR, R., TORRES, L., SALLENT, S., MARQUES, F. VIDAL, J., SANGRÁ, E. y VAZQUEZ, G., 1989. Automatic left ventricular contour extraction for volume calculation from echocardiographic images. Ultrasonics International. S.l.: s.n., pp. 1173-1178.
  • RUIZ, S. VALL-LLOSERA, J., NAVARRO, J.A., y JUNYENT, G., 1989. Laser noise impact in the design of an heterodyne optical PSK receiver. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 573-575.
  • JUNYENT, G., RUIZ-MORENO, S., VALL-LLOSERA, J., GARCÍA SEMPERE, M.A. y RUIZ, S., 1989. Performance of the optical amplifier in fiber digital transmission systems with timing uncertainty. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 558-560. DOI 10.1109/MELCON.1989.50106.
  • SANTAMARÍA, M., LAGUNAS, M. y CABRERA-BEAN, M., 1989. Neural nets filters: integrated coding and signaling in communication systems. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 532-535. DOI 10.1109/MELCON.1989.50099.
  • FONOLLOSA, J.A.R., MORENO, A. y MASGRAU, E., 1990. Robust lpc vector quantization based on kohonen’s design algorithm. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 1303-1306.
  • BROQUETAS, A. y JOFRE, L., 1990. Non-invasive active microwave tomography. Wshop. on quality assurance in hypertermia. S.l.: s.n., pp. 4-7.
  • OLMOS, J. y CASADEVALL, F., 1990. Performance of fractioned and nonfractioned equalizers with time-variant selective fading in digital radio-links. IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems. S.l.: s.n., pp. 812-816.
  • AGUSTI, R. y FEMENIAS, G., 1990. Frequency hopping techniques for indoor mobile communications environments. URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. S.l.: s.n., pp. 444.
  • FEMENIAS, G. y AGUSTI, R., 1990. Performance of selection diversity trellis coded 8dpsk with co-channel interference in land mobile radio channels. International Conference on Communication Systems. S.l.: s.n., pp. 19.
  • BROQUETAS, A., CARDAMA, A. y JOFRE, L., 1990. A compact system for rcs measurement and imaging up to 40 ghz. JINA-90. S.l.: s.n., pp. 596-599.
  • CASTRO, F., CASTELLS, J., SÁNCHEZ, J. Y VÁZQUEZ, G., 1990. Linear phase adaptive line enhancer for improving the performance of phase synchronizers. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: s.n., p. 1843-1846.
  • CASARES, V., 1990. The busy period of a queue with state dependent service. BILKENT’90. S.l.: s.n., pp. 650-656.
  • NADEU, C., 1990. A simple spectrum estimation technique based on the analytic cepstrum. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 465-468.
  • FERNANDEZ, J., 1990. Adaptive beamforming with temporal and spatial references in satellite communications. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 733-736.
  • PRADELL, L., SABATER, C., ARTAL, E., CORBELLA, I., FORTUNY, J., CORBELLA, I., BARA, F. y COMERON, A., 1990. Trl calibration applied to the measurement of chip transistor s-parameters up to 40 ghz. 20th European Microwave Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 214-219. Disponible a:
  • CABRERA-BEAN, M. y LAGUNAS, M., 1990. Simultaneous frequency and phase estimation of digital modulated signals in burst mode transmission. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1711-1714. DOI 10.1109/ICASSP.1990.115809.
  • RIUS, J., CARDAMA, A. y VALL-LLOSSERA, M., 1990. High frequency rcs graphical processing. Workshop JINA’90:rcs of perfectly conducting or coated bodies. S.l.: s.n., pp. 1-20.
  • GASULL, A. y SABATER, J., 1990. Learning from volume processing: working for a three-dimensional database. Symposium  «Computers in architecture». S.l.: s.n.,
  • ÁLVAREZ, J.M., CRUELLAS, J. y FERRANDO, M., 1990. A hybrid modal-boundary element method for electromagnetic scattering from arbitrary conducting wedges. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1990. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1288-1291. DOI 10.1109/APS.1990.115348.
  • DUARTE, M. y LAGUNAS, M., 1990. A recursive SVD algorithm for array signal processing. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 657-660.
  • RIUS, J., VALL-LLOSERA, M., y FERRANDO, M., 1990. Fast algorithms for radar cross section computation of complex objects. JINA’90. S.l.: s.n., pp. 88-91.
  • CASADEVALL, F. y OLMOS, J., 1990. On the behavior of the linc transmitter. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 29-34.
  • BROQUETAS, A. y JOFRE, L., 1990. Microwave imaging of blood content. BLOOD FLOW 90. S.l.: s.n., pp. 315.
  • ROMEU, J., BLANCH, S. y JOFRE, L., 1990. Planar array diagnostic from cylindrical near field measurements. AP-S INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM. S.l.: s.n., pp. 1318-1321.
  • VAZQUEZ, G., 1990. Data-dependent error weighting for constant variance transversal filtering. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 185-188.
  • TORRES, L. y GASULL, A., 1990. Temporal automatic edge detection of echocardiographic images. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: s.n.,
  • RUIZ-MORENO, S. y SONEIRA, M.J., 1990. Model of effective bandwith applied to a saturated near travelling wave optical amplifier. SIOE. S.l.: s.n.,
  • MARIÑO, J.B., BONAFONTE, A., MORENO, A., LLEIDA, E., NADEU, C. y MONTE, E., 1990. Recognition of numbers by using demisyllables and hidden Markov models. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 1363-1366.
  • RECOLONS, J., TORNER, L. y CANAL, F., 1990. Application of a normalized five-layer model to electro-optic switches. Proceedings - SPIE, vol. 1274, pp. 97-101.
  • CASARES, V., 1990. A priority queueing system for integrated voice/data traffic. INT. CONF. ON COMMUNICATION TECHNO. S.l.: s.n., pp. 663-666.
  • MASGRAU, E. y FONOLLOSA, J.A.R., 1990. On the adaptive lattice algorithms with data dependent parameters. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 253-256.
  • SALLENT, S., TORRES, L. y GILS, L., 1990. Three dimensional adaptive Laplacian pyramid image coding. Visual Communications and Image Processing ’90. S.l.: Elsevier, p. 749-752.
  • CASARES, V., 1990. Service integration in token passing ring network ieee 802.5. INT. CONF. ON COMMUNICATION TECHNO. S.l.: s.n., pp. 671-674.
  • MONTE, E., MARIÑO, J.B. y LLEIDA, E., 1990. The backpropagation using the conjugate gradient method. EUPSICO’90. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 1615-1618.
  • DELGADO, J. y SERRAT, J., 1990. Chirp Fourier Processor Design: A Time-domain Approach. 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Computer-aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks. S.l.: s.n., pp. 1-2.
  • NADEU, C., OLIVERAS, A. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1990. Simbad:a tool for speech analysis and synthesis. IASTED INT.CONF.SIGNAL PROC.&DIG.FILT. S.l.: s.n.,
  • HUGUET, J. y TORRES, L., 1990. Vector quantization in image sequence coding. EUPSICO’90. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 749-753.
  • LLEIDA, E., MORENO, A., MONTE, E., MARIÑO, J.B. y NADEU, C., 1990. Specific distance for feature selection in speech recognition. NATO ASI: SPEECH RECOGNITION ... S.l.: s.n., pp. 513-518.
  • LAGUNAS, M. y VAZQUEZ, G., 1990. Focusing wideband arrays from 2-D spectral estimates. ASSP Workshop on Spectrum Estimation and Modeling. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 84-88. DOI 10.1109/SPECT.1990.205551.
  • PUERTA, A., SANZ, M., MIRÓ, J.M. y MIGUEL, J., 1990. Exact analysis and sensitivity of nonideal switched capacitor networks through op amp asymptotic modelling. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. S.l.: IEEE, pp. 2201-2204. DOI 10.1109/ISCAS.1990.112301.
  • MASGRAU, E. y FONOLLOSA, J.A.R., 1990. Acoustic cancellation of engine noise by fast adaptive IIR filtering. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 1999-2002.
  • JANE, R. y RUIZ-MORENO, S., 1990. Optical regeneration based on transistors behaviour of a fp sc. optical amplif. OE/LASE. S.l.: s.n., pp. 127-136.
  • RUIZ-MORENO, S. y SONEIRA, M.J., 1990. Gain, saturation and noise figure of a travelling wave semiconductor optical amplifier. Quantum Aspects of Optical Communications. S.l.: s.n.,
  • TORRES, L., 1990. Contour extraction and image preprocessing of echocardiographic images using radial analysis and Fourier series. Latvian Signal Processing International Conference. S.l.: s.n.,
  • CABRERA-BEAN, M. y LAGUNAS, M., 1990. Simultaneous parameters estimation of digital modulated signals. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 1835-1838.
  • FEMENIAS, G. y AGUSTI, R., 1990. Switched-diversity trellis-coded 8-DPSK for mobile radio applications. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 476-481. DOI 10.1109/VETEC.1990.110368.
  • MONTE, E., ARCUSA, J., LLEIDA, E. y MARIÑO, J.B., 1990. The normalized backpropagation and some experiments on speech recognition. Neural Networks - EURASIP Workshop. S.l.: Springer, pp. 1515-1519.
  • RUIZ, D., CZICHY, R., BARA, F., COMERON, A., BELMONTE, A., MENENDEZ-VALDES, P., BLANCO, F. y PEDREIRA, C., 1990. Inter-mountain laser communication test. Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies. S.l.: s.n., pp. 419-430. DOI 10.1117/12.18207.
  • SONEIRA, M.J., 1990. Semiconductor optical amplifiers: reshaping possibility. Symposium of nonlclassical light for communications. S.l.: s.n.,
  • DUARTE, M. y LAGUNAS, M., 1990. A weighted min-norm method with a recursive implementation. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: s.n., pp. 2703-2706. DOI 10.1109/ICASSP.1990.116183.
  • TORRES, L., 1990. Fast codebook search algorithm in vector quantization. Visual Communications and Image Processing ’90. S.l.: s.n.,
  • FONOLLOSA, J.A.R. y MASGRAU, E., 1990. Spectral sensitivity and convergence rate in adaptive iir filtering. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. S.l.: s.n., pp. 1959-1962.
  • FONOLLOSA, J.A.R. y MASGRAU, E., 1990. A new algorithm for adaptive IIR filtering based on the log-area-ratio parameters. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 257-260.
  • MARIÑO, J.B., MORENO, A., LLEIDA, E., MONTE, E., BONAFONTE, A. y NADEU, C., 1990. Ramses: a Spanish demisyllable based continous speech recognition system. Nato asi: speech recognition ... S.l.: s.n., p. 113-118.
  • RIUS, J. y FERRANDO, M., 1990. Real-time radar cross section of complex targets by physical optics graphical processing. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 1280-1283. DOI 10.1109/APS.1990.115346.
  • LAGUNAS, M., 1990. A recursive algorithm for the comp. Signal processing latvian conference. S.l.: s.n., pp. 22-27.
  • BROQUETAS, A. y JOFRE, L., 1990. Cylindrical microwave tomography for hyperthermia monitoring. 5TH EUROP. CONGRESS OF THERMOLOGY. S.l.: s.n., pp. 95.
  • ELIAS, A., CASTRO, R. y BROQUETAS, A., 1990. Non parametric serial decision fusion. EUPSICO’90. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 2015-2018.
  • LLEIDA, E., MONTE, E., MARIÑO, J.B. y NADEU, C., 1990. Statistical feature selection for isolated word recognition. ICASSP. S.l.: s.n., pp. 757-760.
  • LAGUNAS, M., VAZQUEZ, G. y SITJAR, J., 1990. Specific 2d spectral estimation for wideband array beamforming. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. S.l.: s.n., pp. 2707-2710.
  • LLEIDA, E. y NADEU, C., 1990. Principal and discriminant component analysis for feature selection in isolated word recognition. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 1251-1254.
  • ELIAS, A. y BROQUETAS, A., 1990. Constant false alarm rate for a radar data fusion center with N parallel cell averaging receivers. IEEE International Radar Conference. S.l.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 507-510. DOI 10.1109/RADAR.1990.201103.
  • KONYK JR., S., AMIN, M. y LAGUNAS, M., 1990. A signal subspace framewok of nonlinearly constrained solutions. European Signal Processing Conference. S.l.: Elsevier, pp. 349-352.